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Released Version 3.13

This release includes many enhancements to improve support for R7RS:

  • Added the command line flag --revision 7 (or -r7 for short) to allow huski and huskc to start in R7RS mode.
  • Added most of the standard R7RS libraries: (scheme base), (scheme char), etc.
  • Extended syntax-rules to allow another identifier to be used to specify the ellipsis symbol, per R7RS. For example, ::: could be used instead:

      (define-syntax and
        (syntax-rules ::: ()
          ((and test1 test2 :::)
           (if test1 (and test2 :::) #f))))
  • Added the following functions from R7RS: make-list , list-copy , list-set! , vector-copy , vector-map , vector-for-each , vector-append , string-map , string-for-each , string->vector , vector->string , vector-copy! , string-copy!

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