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Released Version 3.12

Significant enhancements have been made to the huski REPL in this release:

  • Allow using huski to run Scheme scripts from the shell, as specified by SRFI 22. The script needs to start with the line #! /usr/bin/env huski or equivalent, and a main function may be defined to receive command line arguments. The examples/scripts directory contains example programs cat.scm and sum.scm that demonstrate how this works in practice.
  • Add tab completion for Scheme variables and special forms. Tab completion will still fill in filenames when tab is pressed within double-quotes. This makes it easy to find a file in certain cases such as for a load.
  • Accept (and ignore) inputs of just whitespace. Previously this would display a nasty error message.

This release also includes the following features:

  • Added the (scheme time) library from R7RS.
  • Added the system function to make system calls from a husk program. The syntax is (system "command"). An integer status code is returned with the same value that the executing program returned to the OS.

Bug fixes:

  • Duplicate or otherwise invalid lambda parameters are not allowed, and will throw an error. For example: (lambda (a a 1) a)
  • It is now a parse error to have a form that includes an empty car cell, for example: '( . 1)
  • Ensure all of husk’s exports are included in the Haskell API documentation.

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