Cyclone Scheme  0.28.0
Modules | Macros | Functions

Minor GC is called periodically to copy live objects off of a thread stack. More...


 Mutation table
 Mutation table to support the minor GC write barrier.
 Shared object write barrier
 Minor GC write barrier to ensure there are no references to stack objects from the heap.


#define MAX_STACK_OBJ   (STACK_SIZE * 2)
#define NUM_GC_ARGS   128
#define stack_overflow(x, y)   ((x) < (y))
#define STACK_SIZE   500000


void GC (void *, closure, object *, int)
int gc_minor (void *data, object low_limit, object high_limit, closure cont, object *args, int num_args)

Detailed Description

Minor GC is called periodically to copy live objects off of a thread stack.